

NetAlly官网介绍:几十年来,我们的创新网络测试解决方案系列一直在帮助工程师和技术人员更好地部署、管理、维护和保护当今复杂的有线和无线网络。25年多来,我们一直是全球网络和安全专业人士的头号盟友。我们从制造世界上第一台手持网络分析仪LANMeter开始,从那时起一直是行业的领跑者,最初是作为Fluke Networks Inc .的一个业务部门,后来成为NETSCOUT Systems,Inc .的一部分。现在,作为一个独立的公司,NetAlly继续为便携式网络测试和评估制定标准。我们一流的工具提供了快速完成工作所需的可见性。

For decades, our family of innovative network test solutions have been helping engineers and technicians better deploy, manage, maintain, and secure today’s complex wired and wireless networks. For more than 25 years, we have been the #1 ally of network and security professionals worldwide. We began by making the world’s first handheld network analyzer – the LANMeter® – and have continued as industry pacesetters ever since, first as a business unit of Fluke Networks Inc. then part of NETSCOUT Systems, Inc . Now, as an independent, NetAlly continues to set the standard for portable network testing and assessment. Our best-in-class tools deliver the visibility needed to get the job done, fast.